In the news
The paradox of the lethal human shield
Our 2023 Science paper showed that mesopredators moved towards humans to avoid large carnivores in Washington state, but humans were far more lethal. A sampling of media coverage:
Coyotes aren’t so wily when it comes to humans (Washington Post)
When wolves move in, they push smaller carnivores closer to human development – with deadly consequences (The Conversation)
Large predators push coyotes and bobcats near people and to their demise (ScienceNews)
Permanent daylight saving time would reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions
Our 2022 Current Biology paper led by Calum Cunningham received widespread media coverage:
USA Today, NBC, CBS, NPR, Forbes, Smithsonian, Gismodo, and many more!
Low levels of recreation alter wildlife behavior
Sampling of media coverage from our 2022 article led by Mira Sytsma in People and Nature:
This cougar may have prevented a vehicle collision by killing this deer (photo: Brian Kertson)
Cougars save lives by reducing deer-vehicle collisions
The media loved our Conservation Letters paper about the socioeconomic benefits of large carnivore recolonization led by Sophie Gilbert in 2017.
A sample of media coverage:
New York Times, The Times UK, The Washington Post, Chigago Tribune, Vox, Slate, Scientific American (60 second science), CBC, NPR
NPS Photo
Breeding Wolves: The family that preys together, stays together?
Media coverage of our paper looking at impacts of breeder loss on wolf packs and populations (Borg et al. 2014. Journal of Animal Ecology)
Nature World News: Wolf Populations are Unfazed by Individual Breeder Deaths
Red Orbit: Loss Of A Breeding Wolf Can Be Devastating, But Does Not Always Spell Doom For The Pack
KUAC: Study Shows Single Wolf Death Can Impact Entire Pack
Science Codex, Wolf mother deaths threaten pack survival but not population
Death by Moonlight
Collared brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus collaris (photo: Luke Dollar)
Media coverage of our paper on the response of mammals to moonlight (Prugh, LR and CD Golden. 2014. Journal of Animal Ecology )
Inside Science, Scientific American: Nocturnal Animals Take Chances On Moonlit Dinners
ScienceDaily, Science Codex: Death by moonlight? Not always
Astrobiology Magazine: Moonlight and Mortality
Alaska Dispatch: Moonlight may hold keys to circadian rhythms in the North
Aeon Magazine: Moonstruck: The lunar phases influence all sorts of creatures from corals to eagle owls. Does the moon tug on human behaviour too?
Harvard Gazette: New insight on wild nights
National Geographic (2022): Coyotes risk it all to steal from mountain lions
Spokane Public Radio (2020): ‘Fatal Attraction’: Seen On Movie Screens … And In Northwest Carnivores, Study Shows
The Snow About Science (2020): Meet the Mesopredators with Laura Prugh
Wall Street Journal (2012): Welcome Back, Wolves. Staying for Dinner?
New York Times (2010): Even living among us, coyotes remain a mystery
Jason Holley